Bethel Farms, LLC

With God All Things Are Possible

Black Copper Marans

Our line of French Black Copper Marans, layers of rich, dark brown eggs, came directly from France.  They adhere to French Standards as well as APA standards, including feathered shanks. 

Our eggs have won First Place, Peoples Choice, and Best of Breed at both the Ohio and the Wisconsin National APA egg shows.

We sell day old chicks at $14-$20 each plus Express Shipping (generally $35).

We sell  hatching eggs at $75-$100 per dozen plus $15 shipping.

There is often a short waiting list for either.

Bethel Farms, LLC

P. O. Box 484

2392 Pinckneyville Road

Woodville, MS 39669

Phone: 601-779-0338


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